Den 19 oktober, 2024 lanserade vi Karl Sjölunds Tidsstängsel, den andra delen av Institutets Landsvägsteater, en serie platsspecifika ljudverk som berättar historier om och längs med det tornedalska vägnätet. Tidsstängsel bygger på poetens och lappträskbons Verner Boströms samlade dikter. Dikterna är inlästa av Mattias Alkberg och programmering utförd av Anders Skoog. Under invigningstillställningen presenterade Karl
Read MoreFESTIVAL 2024. Läs mer om förra årets program här.
Teaterns Barndom
Vad är teater? Vad skulle det kunna vara? Vad händer när du tillsammans med andra barn får experimentera fram och upptäcka vad teater kan vara helt utifrån dina egna idéer? Den 24-26 februari 2023 bjöd Institutet och Ôcken Kulturförening in åtta barn i åldrarna 7-10 år till en teaterhelg i Stocksbo kulturhus. De fick tillgång
En text/ljud-komposition vid och om sjön Armasjärvi. En sträng oktobernatt, 1940, drunknade fyrtiosex personer när färjan över sjön Armasjärvi kapsejsade och sjönk. Fyrtiofyra soldater ur ingenjörsförbandet och två unga färjkarlar hemmahörande i byn miste där sina liv. Regissören Karl Sjölund har skapat ett platsspecifikt verk som endast kan höras vid det gamla färjeläget vid Armasjärvis
Read More3 Episodes of life
Internationally acclaimed Swedish artist Markus Öhrn has already garnered a great deal of attention with his unmistakeable performances at past editions of the Wiener Festwochen. His latest work draws on the #MeToo movement and investigates instances of abuse in the work environment. For this commissioned work, he has further developed his unconventional dramatic style, masterfully
Read MoreAll that may bleed – WOMEN OF TRACHIS
All that may bleed | Six scenes from Sophocles’ tragedies | WOMEN OF TRACHIS Eleven Athenian women, with the instructions of the Swedish director and visual artist Markus Öhrn, formed a band and dived into the work of Sophocles, presenting it as a series of seven dark atmospheric theatrical installations. Putting on center stage what is usually
Read MoreAll that may bleed – ELECTRA
All that may bleed | Six scenes from Sophocles’ tragedies | ELECTRA Eleven Athenian women, with the instructions of the Swedish director and visual artist Markus Öhrn, formed a band and dived into the work of Sophocles, presenting it as a series of six dark atmospheric theatrical installations. Putting on center stage what is usually hidden, the
Read MoreAll that may bleed – PHILOCTETES
All that may bleed | Six scenes from Sophocles’ tragedies | PHILOCTETES Eleven Athenian women, with the instructions of the Swedish director and visual artist Markus Öhrn, formed a band and dived into the work of Sophocles, presenting it as a series of six dark atmospheric theatrical installations. Putting on center stage what is usually hidden, the
Read MoreAll that may bleed – OEDIPUS REX
All that may bleed | Six scenes from Sophocles’ tragedies | OEDIPUS REX Eleven Athenian women, with the instructions of the Swedish director and visual artist Markus Öhrn, formed a band and dived into the work of Sophocles, presenting it as a series of six dark atmospheric theatrical installations. Putting on center stage what is usually hidden,
Read MoreAll that may bleed – ANTIGONE
All that may bleed | Six scenes from Sophocles’ tragedies | ANTIGONE Eleven Athenian women, with the instructions of the Swedish director and visual artist Markus Öhrn, formed a band and dived into the work of Sophocles, presenting it as a series of six dark atmospheric theatrical installations. Putting on center stage what is usually hidden, the
Read MoreAll that may bleed – AJAX
All that may bleed | Six scenes from Sophocles’ tragedies | AJAX Eleven Athenian women, with the instructions of the Swedish director and visual artist Markus Öhrn, formed a band and dived into the work of Sophocles, presenting it as a series of six dark atmospheric theatrical installations. Putting on center stage what is usually hidden, the macabre
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